In fact the federal executive renounces to enforce the law and its application: do not forget that the day he took office as President said: «… protested to respect and enforce the Federal Constitution and the laws that emanate from it … «There is no law that allows you to negotiate the law to criterion and omit its application, that is to violate the rule of law. The political and ideological belief in this case, collides with the obligation that should be fulfilled as head of the executive, this type of omissions already in the position of President of the Republic, has legal consequences: the damages caused to individuals by not moving your goods on time, must be compensated by the federal government. The federal government is free to in turn legally sue the government of Michoacán for its omission, if indeed it exists, in the fair payment of teachers’ perceptions. It is necessary to assert the rule of law and not get used to political, electoral or ideological criteria that have done so much damage and continue to do the country.
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